How often will I have to come in for sessions?

How often will I have to come in for sessions?

There is no set number of sessions required for my counseling services. I like to have an open discussion about the goals and length of therapy. Some clients wish to seek advice for a specific situation and don’t wish to dig through all the dynamics of their life. Other clients just want someone to bounce thoughts and feelings off of to reassure they are making sound decisions in their lives. And then there are others who see counseling as part of their self care and just want an unbiased listening ear who is not a family member or friend. Overall I encourage clients to seek a deeper understanding of their choices and find meaning in their life. You may want to see me every week at first, but move towards every other week after you’ve found more direction and stability. I never want you to feel like you ‘have’ to come in for counseling. Ultimately I will work to find what makes the most sense for you.